Jan English-Lueck


Department of Anthropology

Jan English-Lueck


Current Research Activities

Based on my work in clean and food tech, I created a new research agenda, 一个 that closely examined the tension between capitalism and the legacy of the military industrial complex in 硅谷 workplaces and the countercultural impulses that influence 该地区.  I have conducted two years of fieldwork, often including research practical students 在工作中.  Out of this research I drafted a manuscript for Stanford University press, tentatively titled, Reinventing Nature in 硅谷, during my sabbatical 2020年秋季.  I plan to co-author and article for Visual Anthropology Review with Tina Korani on the virtual reality installation associated with the research. 我们创建了 a virtual co-working space, maker kitchen, garden and public intersection that form the central matrix for actual (if voice-altered) quotations from interviewees.  的 installation will be revised to accommodate the post-COVID-reality.   我很活跃 in EPIC where I have been working to disseminate the techniques of Ethnofutures as an area of interdisciplinary application.  I presented a tutorial on the subject, peer-reviewed and accepted, in October 2020.  That work reflects my research on forecasting in organizations with the Institute for the Future.  My article on the state of “Anticipatory Anthropology” for the Oxford Encyclopedia of Anthropological Research is related to that scholarly agenda.  I plan to develop two additional research activities.  我将 和博士一起工作. 克里Rohrmeier and Mosaic America to create a cultural map of creative activities among immigrant and ethnic cultures.  I also plan to apply for an NEH Summer Institute grant to fund a 硅谷 Cultures program when COVID-19 permits such 收集. 

Research 连接s to Current 事件

My RSCA work explores cultural diversity and economic inequality in 硅谷. I am consistently consulted by journalists who seek to understand the underlying values of 该地区 and the structural underpinnings of inequality.


Google Scholar Profile


Cultural Futures, applied anthropology, anthropology of work, anthropology of technology, 硅谷 Studies