访问我们的 财政援助和奖学金办公室 浏览最新资料、工作坊及常见问题解答.


The 出国留学 and 走了 office has a strategy in place for the development of new student exchange programs that are mutually beneficial for both institutions and will 长寿和成功. Faculty members can recommend a foreign university to 被添加到我们的 菠菜网lol正规平台交易所投资组合

想要发展一个 谅解备忘录(MOU), with the ultimate goal of establishing an exchange program should contact Study 海外旅行(spartansabroad@sjsu).edu) before you begin your discussions with the 潜在合作院校. This is to ensure that the proposed partnership aligns with the strategic plan of 出国留学 and 走了. 请找到所需的步骤 在下面建立一个新的交流项目.


Ideally, an academic department or college, with support from the Department Chair and College Dean, should champion new student exchange programs. 在审查交易时 partner, we use a number of considerations/factors to determine the suitability of 的伙伴关系. 

1. 风险、健康、安全和可访问性 - Is the university in an area that is safe in general? 它在可能发生火灾的地区附近吗 不安全? 什么 are crime rates like, and what are the crimes-- violent crimes, 小偷小摸等.? Is this location safe for our LGBTQIA+ 学生? 它是否可访问? 残疾学生?

2. 学者 - Is the entire course catalog open to our 学生, or only some courses? 他们 only want to build a partnership with only 一个 of our majors/colleges, or could this 在全校范围内进行交流? 有多少课程是用英语开设的? 他们有 任何认证,如AACSB的商业? 这所大学有类似的课程吗 catalog to 菠菜网lol正规平台 where 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生 would be able to find course options in their 主要的轻松? Are there course options that aren't available at our other exchange universities or where we don't have as much coverage?

3. 学生的兴趣 -这是一个受欢迎的目的地/地区吗? Is this somewhere that we have heard from 学生 他们对学习很感兴趣? This is important because we want to make sure we can keep up the balance between inbound and outbound-- that there is not only interest in 学生 coming to California, but that there will be interest in our 学生 在国外也要去这个地方.

4. 地理多样性 - Do we have partners in this location or this region? 这所大学在某个地区吗 where we might not have as much coverage like eastern Europe, Africa, South America, 等.?

5. 学生支持/服务 - How do they support incoming international 学生? 有国际学生吗? clubs, sports, and student organizations that our 学生 can take part in? 什么 朝向看起来像吗??

6. 住房 - 什么 type of housing options are available for our 学生? 校内或校外住房? 有各种各样的住房费用吗? 

7. 成本 & 奖学金 -这是一个经济实惠的位置吗? Could our 学生 afford studying in this location? Does the country or institution offer merit or need-based scholarships for international 学生?

8. 校历 -  Does it line up well with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 academic calendar, so if 学生 go abroad for 一个 semester, they won't miss time at 菠菜网lol正规平台? 通常是德国的大学 and Japan have academic calendars that are different from ours, where the fall semester abroad runs into the 菠菜网lol正规平台 spring semester, so it is best for our 学生 to study there in the spring semester, so it is good to be aware of this.

9. (可选)教师机会 - Does the institution offer 机会 for faculty exchange or professional development 机会? Are there grants for faculty to engage with the institution? 


We are required to use the CSU template agreement. 曾经是一个潜在的合作机构 has been identified and vetted, the 出国留学 & 远方办公室会给应聘者发电子邮件 参与菠菜网lol正规平台协议. There may be some back and forth regarding the language in the agreement, but it is best if the partner makes as few changes as possible (higher 协议被批准的可能性). 这个过程可能需要6-12个小时 个月. 

The process will culminate with a Memorandum of Understanding and/or a University 交换协议. These documents are formal contracts, containing program details which must be developed and 完全执行 prior to any business being conducted on 代表圣何塞州立大学.

MOUs with international partners must be routed through the College of Professional 全球教育(CPGE). University 交换协议s must be officially approved by the CSU Chancellor's Office and must outline the relationship between the institutions. The 交换协议 must be signed by the partner organization, the Dean of the College of 专业及全球教育 and the 菠菜网lol正规平台 President to be considered 完全执行.  

If we decide to move forward with the agreement, then we mutually decide on the number 每年的学期交换实习. 通常我们从较小的数字开始 (2-4 semester exchange placements per year), and may increase numbers upon mutual agreement if there is high student interest on both sides.

3 .认可

If the proposed partnership is viable and aligns with the strategic priorities of the 出国留学 and 走了 office, we will work with you to develop the new program. Once the agreement has been finalized and signed by all parties, then the 出国留学 & 走了 office will list the new partner on the Spartans Abroad Portal for student 招聘及申请处理.


If you have a potential partner for a new student exchange program, please contact 出国留学 and 走了 to discuss the proposed institutional partner and program. 

出国留学 and 走了 (PGE, Student Union West)
(408) 924-2670




