Questions about FAFSA and CADAA?

Visit our Financial Aid and Scholarship Office for updated information, workshops and FAQs.

Custom English Language Programs

These programs are designed for groups of university students, high school students and groups that are interested in improving their English language proficiency.

Program Content

  • 3-12 week custom programs that provide English language instruction combined with business, engineering or other content
  • Fun, student-centered courses
  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus life and opportunities to experience American culture
  • Dedicated conversation partners
  • Experience the innovative culture of the Silicon Valley
  • Opportunities to enjoy downtime by participating in field trips to famous Silicon Valley and San Francisco tourist destinations
  • Hikes, barbeque events, bowling, sports events and shopping trips
  • Customizable to the needs and goals of participants
  • Minimum number of participants is 15
  • Participants should be 16 years or older





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