
+贷款是一项由美国联邦政府资助的贷款.S. 教育部. 学生 must be enrolled at least half time (6 undergraduate units or 4 graduate units).


  • Parent + 贷款: For parents/stepparents of dependent undergraduate students. 继父母 are eligible as long as their information is included on the Free Application for 联邦学生援助(FAFSA). 
  • Graduate/Professional + 贷款: 学生 must be accepted and enrolled in a master's 学位课程. 



  • 2023年12月8日:仅适用于2023年秋季学期  
  • April 26, 2024: For full academic year loan, or Spring 2024 only




  • 学生接受My菠菜网lol正规平台提供的+贷款.
  • 接下来,借款人(父母或继父母)去 StudentAid.政府 
  • Under "Apply for Aid," click on "Apply for a Direct Parent + Loan"
  • “直接加贷”贷款申请类型,请选择“开始”
  • 家长使用您的个人FSA ID和密码登录
  • 选择颁奖年度. 通常,该流程在7月份可用.
  • 学校名称:圣何塞州立大学
  • Parents: You will be asked if you would prefer to have any credit balance (refund after fees have been paid to the school) sent to either you (the parent borrower) or directly 给你的学生. You will also be asked if you wish to request for a deferment (postp一个ment) of your loan payment while your student is enrolled, as well as if you wish to request a 6 month deferment if your student ceases to be enrolled at least half time. 
  • Loan Amount Requested: Indicate the amount you wish to borrow. 你可以要求任何 amount not to exceed the maximum amount offered on your student’s My菠菜网lol正规平台 获奖通知.


  • After the credit is approved, first-time + Loan borrowers must also complete a 主本票 (或然数). If you completed an MPN for a previous San Jose State University + Loan, 您可能不需要完成此步骤.
  • 去 StudentAid.政府. 在“完成援助过程”下,点击Parent + MPN.
  • Log in with your personal FSA ID and Password and follow the prompts. 
  • 尽早申请+贷款! 申请后,贷款程序最多需时3周 提交. 


在接受贷款后 My菠菜网lol正规平台,信用检查将自动处理. 学生将接受交流 from the 教育部 regarding the credit approval/denial. 如果信用 is approved, this indicates you are eligible to borrow the Graduate + loan.


首次毕业生+贷款借款人必须完成 贷款入学辅导. If you completed 贷款入学辅导 for a previous San Jose State University 毕业生加贷款,你可能不需要完成这一步.

1. 去 StudentAid.政府 

2. 在“完成援助过程”下,单击Grad + MPN

3. 使用您的FSA ID和密码登录,并按照提示操作

Note: After all the steps are completed successfully, allow up to 3 weeks for processing and for + loan checklist items to be updated from the student's To Do List.