a female faculty member collaborates with a student in the classroom

Supporting All Faculty

Welcome to the Center for Faculty Development at 菠菜网lol正规平台 where we support lecturer, tenure-track, and graduate teaching assistant/associate faculty in all aspects of their assignment, including research, scholarship and creative activity; teaching; and leadership. 在这里 we offer certificate programs, workshops, and individual consultations on topics ranging from equity-minded instruction and accessibility to annual evaluations, RTP and retirement. We are here to support your growth into becoming the best educator possible.

菠菜网lol正规平台 Accessible Syllabus Resources

We are excited to partner with you in creating accessible and inclusive syllabi. 找到 on demand resources, workshops, and more.

Accessible Syllabus Resources

Teaching and Learning

We are here to teach you the skills you need to better serve your students. From anti-racist pedagogy to creating accessible documents, we support your journey to becoming a better educator.

Career Planning

Looking ahead in your career can be intimidating, but whether you're looking at a traditional career path or a less linear progression, we are here to help you create 一个计划.

Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity

We know that teaching isn't your only passion. We are here to support you with grants, awards and fellowships as you explore the field to which you are dedicated.